Port Mansfield

Port Mansfield¹ is the only commercial port in North America that also has residential leases which places the Port in a unique position where it has to find a balance between the residents and businesses in the area. The Port decided that the best route would to increase its transparency and improve its digital image. Fócil helped out by crafting a new logo and working to update the website so information was easier to access for everyone.

The previous Port Mansfield logo
The new Port Mansfield logo
  • A mockup of the Port Mansfield website

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  • Variations of the Port Mansfield logo by Focil Consulting

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What We Did

Research & Planning

Port Mansfield already had a strategic plan but needed more assistance in other areas, such as transparency and how to bridge the gap between commercial and environmental ideas. We did research on where the Port could improve its operations and created a plan to increase the level of visibility for the public.

Branding and Marketing

The biggest part of raising the Port's visibility with its residents as well as commercial businesses was a change in its image. Fócil created new logos, a website design, and newsletters to create a cohesive look across every aspect of public perception.


Fócil attended conferences and meetings to represent Port Mansfield. These events directly led to a significant increase in the number of contacts the Port had within the industry while also elevating awareness of the entity. 

Connecting People & Businesses

To assist Port Mansfield in achieving its goals, we searched for beneficial businesses and organizations. We presented these organizations to the Port and initiated meetings and discussions to connect both parties.

¹ - Port Mansfield is a census designation location in South Texas. "Port Mansfield" here refers to the Willacy County Navigation District and Port Mansfield Public Utility District that run said port.

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